Sunday, May 19, 2013

Stonehenge and Bath

                Last night was insane. Because the legal drinking age here is 18, I am able to go to pubs and clubs. I had a cider at a pub one of my first nights here and last night I experienced the club scene. It was definitely a blast. We headed to Leicester Square because we had seen one club there when we went to the play but that is not where we ended up. When we came out of the tube station, there was a guy standing there who asked us if we wanted to go a club so he lead us to the place to buy tickets and then to the club itself. My first thought when this was happening was of the movie Magic Mike and how funny it would be if something like that was happening. It wasn’t. I think the club was called the Rumba, but I don’t remember for sure. All I remember was that it was a blast!! I think the group of us that went have officially had the most fun on this trip. There are many stories that could be told from this night, but seeing as this blog is for class credit, I probably shouldn’t go into those details here. Long story short, we didn’t get back to the hotel until after 4 a.m. and had to be on the bus at 8. I set two alarms for 7, but didn’t wake up until 7:45.  It was definitely a rough morning.
                We made it to the bus, just in time and were off to Stonehenge. We left in such a hurry, that I forgot my camera so I don’t have any pictures for the day, but I’m pretty sure all of my batteries were dead anyways. Stonehenge was pretty cool. We didn’t spend a lot of time there because we were headed to the city of Bath, which is 2-3 hours from London. We then continued toward Bath with our tour guide, who told us about every little thing we passed, including the pig farm with the “piggy porkies” (ask me about this in person, or say it out loud with a British accent. Trust me, it was hilarious). I was not feeling the best after last night and just wanted to sleep, especially since I get slightly carsick when going through hills and turns anyways, so I didn’t think all of her information was completely necessary.However,that was what she was there to do, so otherwise it would have been useless to have her. She did give us some information about Bath as well so that was useful.
                Bath was interesting because all of the buildings look basically the same. They are all made out of stone and there were many areas that were very uniquely designed, such as the circle and the crescent. We were given free time to explore the town and get some lunch, before gathering for a tour of the Roman Baths. These date back to 1st century A.D. They are naturally heated baths similar to those of Hot Springs, but this water is warmer than Hot Springs, if I remember correctly. Most of the water was a strange, green color, due to the chemicals and minerals in the water. There was also one bath that was bubbling, not from the heat of the bath, but because of the chemicals in the bath and the gases escaping. We were able to feel and taste the water. It was very warm and tasted like metal, but it wasn’t the worst thing I have ever had to drink. It was still better than any beer I’ve tried. After Bath, we headed back to London and got some dinner. We are calling a night pretty early tonight as we are still recovering from last night’s fun.
                Tomorrow we go to Old Bailey Crown Court and have a lecture from a professor from King’s College. Hopefully it will be more interesting than the last lecture we had.

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