Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Legal Walk and British Museum

     Today we had our last official activity. We went on what is called the Legal Walk because it goes through the four Inns of Court, which are where barristers work. Barristers are required to commit to one of the Inns in order to become a barrister. The four Inns are Grey’s Inn, Lincoln Inn, Inner Temple, and Middle Temple.  We also saw the Royal Courts of Justice, which is an appellate court. Here, we watched more court cases. I think I have sat in enough courtrooms for my life. Seriously, I do not enjoy that. I understand it is part of class to learn about how things function over here, but I’m pretty over sitting in court. The one I sat in today we were in for a total of 25 minutes and there was literally nothing happening for 20 of those minutes.

     After we got done there, Alesha and I went to get some lunch. We found an Italian place that was really good. I had mushroom spaghetti with meatballs. We then headed to the British Museum. This is one of the largest museums in the world and definitely has a ton of stuff. I feel like my dad would really enjoy it. It was cool to be able to go to something like that and see things such as the Rosetta Stone and some of the Egyptian stuff but I don’t typically like museums so there was that aspect of things.

     On our way back to our hotel, we stopped in Russell Park. There are parks everywhere in London, which is surprising to me for such a big city. When I think of a big city, I think of buildings and busy streets and not these beautiful parks. Russell Park is one of the smaller parks in London, but it is still awesome. It is a nice quiet relaxing place to get away from the busy city, even if it is only for a short period of time, such as a lunch break.

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